How to Budget for Your Bar and Kitchen Design Project?

Let’s say you’re envisioning a cosy speakeasy-style bar with an open kitchen where diners can watch the chefs work their magic. This vision sets the stage for your budget.

Defining Your Vision

Gathering Data

 Research the costs associated with your vision. From your speakeasy, you know you’ll need a well-stocked bar, stylish decor, an open kitchen setup, and perhaps some live jazz music to set the mood.

Break Down the Costs

 Break down your project into line items – bar fixtures, kitchen equipment, interior design, and staffing. Consider everything from bar stools to walk-in freezers.

If you’re ready to turn your vision into a culinary masterpiece, we at Kilowa Design are here to help. Our expertise in kitchen design services turns your dreams into reality. Let’s collaborate to make your restaurant, bar, or kitchen project an astonishing success.